4.Choose the account type carefully i.e. Academia for users from research institutions or Industry for users from the industry.
5.Click on ‘Show Privacy policy’ and check the ‘Please confirm that you agree to our privacy policy’ box only after reading the IPR Policy, Entrepreneurship Policy and Consultancy policy.
6.Then click on the Register button.
7.Once requested to register, your registration will be approved by our team, and the process of approval may take up to 48 hours.
8.Once your account is approved you shall receive an e-mail confirming the same.
How to complete Profile
1.Click on the button with your ‘First Name’ in the header and then select ‘Profile’ from the dropdown.
2.Then click on the ‘Settings icon’ and select ‘Edit Profile’ from the dropdown.
4.You can upload your Resume, Profile Picture and write about your past experiences, Institution and a short description about yourself. This profile will be visible to other users.
How to change your First name, Last name,
E-mail address and Password.
1.You can access your profile by clicking on the ‘My Account’ button in the header and then selecting ‘Profile’ from the dropdown.
2.Then click on the ‘Settings icon’ and select ‘My Account’ from the dropdown.
3.You can then change your First Name, Last Name, and E-mail Address here.
4.You can change your Password by clicking on the ‘*’ button.
How to upload your innovation for auction
1.Click on the ‘Academia’ button in the header and select ‘Manage Auctions’ from the dropdown.
2.Click on ‘Add New’ button.
3.Fill the ‘Add Product’ form. Give your innovation a title, write it’s description, check the category it belongs to, You can contact us if you want new categories to be listed.
4.Fill in the multiple fields of ‘Auction Data’. The fields are accompanied with help text, if you still have any doubts feel free to contact us.
*We recommend that you post a silent auction.
5.Click on the ‘Attributes’ button to select your Educational Institution. If your Institution is not included in the list, please contact us.
6.Then click on the ‘Submit’ button, and your innovation shall be published on our ‘Auctions’ page.
7.You can also edit the products that you have already published by clicking on the ‘Products’ button in the sidebar and then clicking on ‘Edit’.
8.You can check the bids placed on your innovation by clicking on the ‘View Detail’ button.
9.If you feel the bid placed is unreasonable, you can delete the bids yourself by clicking on ‘View Detail’ as shown above.
How to Upload your Consultations
1.Click on the ‘Academia’ button in the header and select ‘Manage Consultations’ from the dropdown.
2.Click on ‘Add New Listing’.
3.Select the category ‘Consultation Services’ and fill in the rest of the form and click ‘Place Listing’ at the end.
How to respond to Industrial Issues
1.Click on the ‘Academia’ button in the header and then, select ‘Industrial Issues’ from the dropdown.
2.Once you click on one of the listings, you can type your message and click ‘Submit’ to contact the owner.